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Appointment Request

Use this form to request an appointment with us. While we will do our best to accommodate your requested day and time, please note, your appointment is not fully booked until you get a confirmation from us!


The health and safety of our patients is of utmost importance to each member of the practice. As you may already know like you, we are closely monitoring world wide Corona virus outbreak and in our community.  We are following CDC and Harris and surrounding county recommendations to mitigate the spread of the virus. We have increased disinfecting practices in common areas, treatment, exam rooms, and minimizing our patient and staff exposure.  Please join our efforts to keep a safe environment for everyone and follow public health officials’ strong recommendations to practice thorough and frequent hand washing, coughing and sneezing into your arm rather than hands, avoid touching your face, nose and eyes. 

We ask you to read and follow these instructions: 

For the foreseeable future, we will conduct temperature checks at each location

Please expect a wait during this time. 

If you would like to reschedule your appointment, please call our office to do so.

  • If you have a scheduled appointment and feel sick or have a fever, cough, sore throat, or difficulty breathing please call your primary care physician and reschedule your eye appointment.
  • If any of your family members have had contact with someone with known or suspected COVID-19 please call us to reschedule your appointment. 
  • If you have a scheduled appointment with a practice physician and live in the community with confirmed sustained community transmission of COVID-19 please stay home and call us to reschedule your appointment. 
  • If you traveled within the last 14 days to any locations either domestically or internationally with confirmed sustained community transmission of COVID-19 please call us before arrival to reschedule your appointment. 
  • Limit the number of accompanying visitors to only one unless it is necessary due to your health issues.
  • DO NOT SHOW UP TO APPOINTMENTS MORE THAN 20 MINUTES EARLY - WE CANNOT GUARANTEE YOU WILL BE SEEN BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT TIME.  We are working to minimize the number of people congregating in the lobby to meet the new crowd recommendations.
  • Please do not bring children with you to your visit unless the visit is specifically for the child
  • If you need to refill your medications, please call us and our physicians will approve your refills. For more information regarding how to protect yourself, your family and our community, here is the link to the CDC’s website for this useful information. https://www.cdc.gov/coronaviru... We will do our best to adjust our practice to meet the need of our patients while taking appropriate steps to get through this period of uncertain time. 

Thank you for your cooperation.


The Offices of Charles A. Garcia MD PA


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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Office Hours


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


By Appointment Only

